Public offer
INTEGRAL TECH OÜ, a company established under the law of Estonia, registered under the number 12865811, with its registered office at: Harjumaa, Tallinn linn, Kivila tn 2-52, 13817, Estonia (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), offers an unlimited number of individuals (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") to enter into a contract for the provision of Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
1.1 Services – automatic collection and systematization of data on the Internet according to certain parameters of the Customer (Parsing), provided by the Contractor in the manner and on the terms specified in this Agreement and the relevant Annexes to this Agreement.
1.2 Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer", "Agreement") is a public offer addressed to an unlimited number of individuals to enter into the Agreement on the terms and conditions contained in this Offer.
1.3 Acceptance – full, unconditional and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the terms and conditions as they are set forth in the text of this Offer.
1.4 Customer – an individual who has made the Acceptance of this Offer and paid the cost of the Contractor's Services.
1.5 Parties – the Contractor and the Customer.
1.6 Specification – means a personalized Appendix to this Agreement, which contains an exclusive list of Services ordered by the Customer and is an integral part of the Agreement;
1.7 "Euro", "EUR" or "€" means the legal tender of the Member States of the European Union that have adopted the single currency in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community (as amended);
1.8 The Contractor's Website means the Internet resource at
2.1 The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the Services of automatic collection and systematization of data on the Internet according to certain (individual) parameters of the Customer (Parsing), on a paid basis in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.2 The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor the cost of the Services.
2.3 The Parties agree that the detailed content and scope of the Services shall be determined by the Customer from the list of Services published on the Contractor's website and shall be specified in the Specification to this Agreement.
2.4 The Parties agree that the Contractor does not guarantee any financial or other results of the Customer's use of the information received from the Contractor in its activities.
2.5 By agreeing to the terms of the Agreement, the Customer confirms its legal capacity and capacity to act, the legal use of a bank payment card, and is aware of its responsibility for the obligations imposed on it as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement.
3.1 The Services shall be provided by the Contractor in the manner and on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement and the Specification hereto.
3.2 The Customer determines the content and scope of the Services from the list of Services specified on the Contractor's website and makes payment.
3.3 The acceptance of this Offer is the full payment by the Customer for the relevant Services and means the full and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the terms of this Offer and is equivalent to the Customer's handwritten signature under the Agreement.
3.4 From the moment the funds are credited to the Contractor's account, this Offer is considered accepted. From the moment of acceptance of this Offer, the Customer's unilateral withdrawal from the Agreement is impossible.
3.5 All results of the Contractor's Services, expressed in material form, shall be transferred to the Customer no later than 5 working days from the date of conclusion of this Agreement.
3.6 The quality of the Services provided shall comply with international requirements, standards, specifications, other technical documentation applicable to this type of software products and services.
3.7 Confirmation of the fact of provision of the Services by the Contractor is the Act of Acceptance and Transfer.
3.8 Based on the results of the Services rendered, the Contractor shall draw up and send to the Customer an Act of Acceptance and Transfer
3.9 The Services are considered to be provided by the Contractor and accepted by the Customer, and the Act of Acceptance and Transfer is accented by the Customer, unless the Customer has provided a written justified refusal to accept the Services provided by the Contractor within 3 calendar days.
4.1 The Contractor has the right to:
4.1.1 Independently organize the process of providing the Services to the Customer, determine all necessary conditions for the provision of the Services at its own discretion.
4.1.2 Receive from the Customer the information necessary for the provision of the Services under this Agreement.
4.1.3 Receive payment for the Services provided in the amounts and within the terms stipulated by this Agreement.
4.2 The Contractor undertakes to:
4.2.1 Provide the Customer with the Services in accordance with this Agreement and the Specification hereto.
4.2.2 Inform the Customer about the rules and requirements for the organization of the Services, about the rights and obligations of the Customer in receiving the Services.
4.2.3 Not to use the results of the work performed under this Agreement for its own purposes and/or for the purposes of third parties.
5.1 The Customer has the right to:
5.1.1 Receive services of proper quality in accordance with this Agreement.
5.1.2 Receive all necessary materials from the Contractor. Contact the Contractor on issues related to the provision of the Services.
5.2 The Customer undertakes to:
5.2.1 Provide, if necessary, reliable, complete and accurate information about himself. If the information in the application is inaccurate, the Contractor shall not be liable for the inability to establish communication with the Customer and provide the Services under this Agreement.
5.2.2 Pay in full the cost of the Services in the manner and on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.
5.2.4 To comply with the applicable laws.
5.2.5 Comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement related to the provision of the Services, including, but not limited to, the terms and conditions specified in the Refund Policy on the Contractor's website.
6.1 The total cost of the Services provided by the Contractor under this Agreement shall consist of the total amount of the Services paid by the Customer, which were determined by the Customer from the list of Services published on the Contractor's website and specified in the Specification to this Agreement.
6.2 The cost of a particular Service is set forth in this Agreement and published on the Contractor's website.
6.3 The cost of the Services specified on the Contractor's website is set in EURO.
6.4 The cost of the Services provided for in this Agreement shall be paid by the Customer on a 100% prepayment basis by transferring non-cash funds to the Contractor's account,
unless otherwise provided by the Agreement.
6.5 The Contractor and the Customer may separately agree on the provision of a discount on the cost of services by the Contractor.
6.7 The services are considered paid from the moment the funds are credited to the Contractor's account.
6.8 In case of early termination of the Agreement at the initiative of the Contractor, the Contractor shall refund only those Services that were paid by the Customer but not provided by the Contractor.
7.1 For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the parties shall be liable in accordance with applicable law.
7.2 The Contractor's services and all related materials are provided "as is", without any warranties, express or implied. The Contractor does not provide any warranties, including commercial suitability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights, as well as warranties arising from business relationships or customs of business dealing. In addition, the Contractor disclaims any liability related to the Customer's access to the Services and related materials, as well as their use. The Customer agrees that they access and use the Services and related materials at their own risk.
7.3 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, actual, indirect or direct losses, directly or indirectly lost profits or loss of income, loss of data, performance or other intangible assets.
7.4 The Customer agrees that the disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability set forth in these terms reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risks, and is also a necessary condition for the provision of the Services by the Contractor for an affordable fee.
8.1 The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations if such failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, namely: military operations, natural disasters, man-made and other accidents, strikes, lockouts, acts of government or administration, etc. that make it impossible to fulfill the terms of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure).
8.2 Force majeure shall apply, and the Party for which it has occurred shall be released from liability for violation of the terms of this Agreement, if there is written confirmation of the occurrence of force majeure.
8.3 The Party for which the said circumstances have occurred shall immediately notify the other Party and provide the relevant supporting documents.
8.4 From the moment of receipt of such notification by the other party, the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement shall be suspended for the entire period of Force Majeure.
8.5 In case of Force Majeure for more than 3 (three) months, each Party has the right to initiate termination of the Agreement.
This Agreement shall be terminated:
9.1 By agreement of the Parties.
9.2 If it is impossible for a Party to fulfill its obligations due to the adoption of regulations that have changed the conditions established by this Agreement, and either Party does not agree to make appropriate changes to the Agreement.
9.3 In other cases provided for by this Agreement and applicable law.
10.1 Contractor is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (reference EU2016/679) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. The protection of Customer’s (“Your’s”) privacy and Personal Data is an important concern to which we pay special attention throughout our business processes. We process your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions set out in the GDPR and the relevant applicable Data Protection Laws and Regulations. Your Personal Data is used for the purposes of fulfilling the contractual obligations between us and necessary communication. The legal basis for processing your Personal Data is: as a result of your consent. When you have consented to the processing of your Personal Data by us for certain services through the Website, you can withdraw consent at any time by following the instructions provided in the application process or by contacting us at
11.1 This Offer comes into force from the moment of its publication by the Contractor and is valid until its withdrawal by the Contractor.
11.2 The Contractor has the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer at any time and / or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion. In case the Contractor makes changes to the Offer, such changes shall enter into force from the moment they are published on the Contractor's website, unless another term for the entry into force of the changes is specified directly in the text of the amended Offer.
12.2 The parties have established that any disputes and claims will be resolved through negotiations.
12.4 By accepting this Offer, the Customer agrees that all disputes related to this Agreement will be considered in accordance with the laws of Estonia without regard to conflict of laws. The Customer also agrees that all such disputes are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the relevant Estonian courts 12.5 The headings used in the articles and paragraphs of this Offer are used only for reference and ease of use of the text. These headings may not be considered as determinative, limiting or changing, or affecting the meaning and content of the terms of this Offer or any part thereof.
12.6 The Parties to this Agreement have decided that if a part of this Agreement is recognized as invalid (illegal), the Agreement itself shall be deemed concluded without including the invalid (illegal) part. In this case, the Party to this Agreement may not refer to the fact that without the inclusion of the invalid (illegal) part in the Agreement it would not have concluded it.
12.7 All of the foregoing constitutes a single text of the Agreement, which supersedes all previous negotiations, correspondence, agreements, proposals and statements concluded or expressed by the Parties on the subject matter of the Agreement in oral or written form.
12.8 In all cases not provided for in this offer, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Estonia
Integral Tech OÜ
Reg.code 12865811
Harjumaa, Tallinn linn,
Kivila tn 2-52, 13817, Estonia