How to adjust Datacol?

How to adjust Datacol?

General information on the Datacol scraper

One of the essential programs of a modern webmaster is a scraper. It allows to collect and process information in large quantities. Scrapers are used in a big variety of fields, such as: filling online-stores with data about products, satellites creation, SEO, analysis of competitors, charging websites with content, etc. Although it is not very comfortable, most passers are developed for one particular task. But how to create a scraper which can collect information from any required source? You can handle such task using a cross-functional scraper. One of them is the Datacol scraper. The Datacol scraper is a multifunctional program, which automates the tasks related to collection of the information. It allows you to extract information from almost all websites you need.

How to adjust Datacol?

Far from every user can set regular scraping expressions and equations. That’s why they can face some issues while adjusting the Datacol scraper themselves. But this problem is easy to solve, as Datacol settings are pretty easy. A user have to select data range, which have to be saved, and Datacol will pick the right scraping expression up.

Datacol configuration can be divided into 3 phases:

  • Data collection. At this stage the code is being downloaded out of a webpage which data should be extracted from.
  • Data processing. The program can translate the scraped data via Google Translate, if it is required, to make the obtained information unique. Besides, it is possible to uniqualize the content through the use of synonymization. These tasks are solved by plugins.
  • Data export. It is possible to export the scraped data in file formats (Excel, CSV, TXT, etc.), into the remote MySQL database and different CMS (WordPress, DLE, Joomla, etc.) If you need to export data in any other format, the program developers can accomplish this task.

The Datacol scraper can help you to handle a lot of tasks related to the collection of information on the Internet. It not only saves your time, but rids you of doing routine work as well. You can test the Datacol scraper in order to find out whether it can handle your tasks or not by downloading the DEMO version.

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