Your friend in data acquisition and automation — get data, get knowledge, get results

We help collect and process data from popular internet resources, and also automate any actions in the web space.

25K+ Installation and Featured on

it's very simple

Collect and discover data

Collect eBay ads
Find popular Amazon product
Save important articles
Get Instagram Profiles for Ads

new markets

Discover market trends and analyze data

Get data to explore and research new markets.
You can find new mono-products or demands that others can't see.
You can find purchase information and product reviews.

Keep track of competitors' prices
Flexible integration with CRM or your solutions
Discover new markets


For populating your database

You can easily import the data to your site, database, or CRM.

Our extensions will help you populate your CRM database. For example, you can add an assortment of products to Shopify or WooCommerce via API.

You can collect data for processing using file formats such as CSV, XML, and Excel, or set your own preferences.

Populate the database on the go, for example, in MySQL or MariaDB. This feature also allows you to input data directly into a CMS database, such as WordPress.


search engine optimization

Powerful for SEO marketing​

You can collect and analyze keywords and search results from any search engine. Build your strategy to attract the best traffic.

Collect competitors' search keywords.
Monitor the position of your site in search results.

Integration With


Frequently Asked Question


We provide data collection services from open sources for automation and data population. Data is delivered as a file or a stream.

We specialize in Datacol and ZennoPoster software. We do not provide any cloud services.

You get access to the latest data as soon as it is received. You can get the updated version by re-ordering.

Our store does not offer refunds. By making a purchase in our store, the user waives all their rights to a refund. More at Refund Policy page.

View our settings catalog or order a custom scraping tool.

Be careful when ordering and provide your valid email address. For file delivery (CSV): an email with an attached file will be sent to your email. For stream delivery (API): a URL and endpoints with instructions will be sent to your email.

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